Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

We all know the Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes song right? If not, you may want to hear it before continuing. So, here's a link for you to hear it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m-1YKx-9uc
Okay, now that we're all on the same page you're probably wondering why we're talking about this children's nursery rhyme. Well, believe it or not we can use this simple song to check that the way we are dressed it modest before we leave the house.
Before I go any further I need to mention that this was not my original idea. I watched a video a while back where a girl presented this idea. However, I couldn't find the video again. If one you guys find it send me the link in the comments bellow. Also, this has been slightly changed from the original to fit my beliefs and convictions. You can do the same to make this your own.

So, go ahead and stand up as we go through this. Firstly, touch your head. When you touch your head is your stomach showing? And for me, is my head covered? Simple right? This is what we will do with every action. So, let's go onto the next.
Now, place your hands on your shoulders. Are they covered? And can you see your bra through the sleeve? For some can you see your armpit through your sleeve?
Bend down and put your hands on your knees. Are you knees covered? Can you see down your shirt or dress?

And finally toes. Touch your toes an ask yourself how far up does my skirt or dress go up the back of my legs? 
That's it! That's all I wanted to share with you today. I believe that's it's important to check ourselves before we leave the house. I for one, tend to forget my tights or headscarf. This is a simple, fast and easy way to make sure you're already to go. I hope this has proven helpful to you.
Darcy-Rea Theriault 




  1. This is a cute idea and I love he way you presented it without making it legalistic. It is so important to understand the boundaries of what we wear. I like this a lot thanks for sharing.


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