Why I wear skirts and dresses

Beginning on the 12th of June 2016 I have tried to only wear skirts and dresses. I don't wear the religiously. If I have to wear pants than I will. But, I wear skirts and dresses as much as I can. My decision was based on four main factors.
  • Biblical; It say in Deuteronomy that women should not wear men's cloths. Now I know that today pants aren't only men's cloths. But skirts are definitely women's cloths.
  • Historical; Did you know that women only started wearing pants in the 1930;s and 1940's. That means we have only been wearing them for 86-76 years!
  • Me; It was very important for me to be comfortable and enjoy the new way I would dress. I started by wearing them for a few days before making my mind up. I was to take note of how it made me feel. The results...
    1. I felt feminine. I would spin around and dance, I loved it.
    2. For some reason, It made me feel more humble, quiet, respectful.
  • Others (Men); Another very important element to me decision was how it would make other, especially men feel.
    1. Firstly, I wanted to not be a temptation to anyone.
    2. Secondly, If I look feminine then the men around me look masculine.
    3. In a skirt I am respecting just about everybody's culture and beliefs.

So, That is why I have decided to wear skirts and dresses. I believe that as followers of Christ we need to be intentional in all we do to be pleasing to God and a light in the world. Therefore, be intentional in what you wear. Even if you don't wear skirt (that fine!) think about why you wear what you wear and what kind of message it is giving off.


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