The Princess and The Feminist

I am a Pinterest kind of girl and the other day as I was scrolling through Pinterest when I saw this photo...
This made me stop and think for a minute. It made me think because, to be honest, I was waiting for my prince. And I'm sure I'm not alone in that. But God created us beautifully and fully capable of living and thriving without a man in our lives. Sure it would be lovely to have a partner in crime but God has a plan for you and I in the mean time. Now you may be thinking this sounds a little like 'Feminism' but it is definitely not! Let's have a look at this deeper shall we?

What is feminism and a feminist? On a base level...

'So, a feminist is a person who fights for gender equality?' Yep. 'So then what's so bad about it then?' Okay let me explain myself a little here. I believe that God created men and women equally but with different roles and men the dominant, stronger gender. Read more here if you want to... Men Vs. Women. I do not believe that men and women have equal roles in society. For example, I do not believes that women should be able to be the leader of a country. That, to me, is a man's role. There are some rights that women should have I think such as the right to work and vote.

Okay now that we have a better understanding of feminism we can move on.

Women have an important, priceless role in God's plan for this world! Women are the backbone of the powerful men that lead and support us. But, we don't need to be sitting around waiting for the right man to come to us. We can and should get off our butts and serve our heavenly father!

Think of Queen Easter! 'But, she wasn't really single was she?' But if you think about it she wasn't really a wife was she? She only saw her "husband" when he called for her! So, I'm just going to use her as my example any way. She did amazing things for God. She saved her people. She risked her life for God's people and she obeyed God's calling for her and she came out the other side victorious.

What about Rahab? She really was single. She used her life for God's glory and in the end she was the mother of Boaz and we all know that Boaz married Ruth, another great woman of the Bible! And if you keep going through the genealogy you come to Jesus. This is found in Mathew 1:2-26 and specifically verses 5 and then 16. So Rahab, a prostitute and a Canaanite, saved two Israelite men who then defeated Jericho (Her home). She was the great-great-grandmother of King David and in the lineage of Jesus, God's Son. That's kind of amazing if you ask me. Her story can be found in Joshua chapter two.
And of cause there is Ruth. Ruth's husband passed away but she did not stay at home and cry, waiting for another man to come and rescue her. No, she got up and went with Naomi to Israel. Because of this she got a ne husband, a good new husband, Boaz. She, a non Jew, became the great-grandmother of their greatest King, Kind David. Like Rehab she is in the lineage of Jesus, God's son.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the God of the universe and to make it even better you can call him Father! You are a princess and it's because of who your father is. Sure he may want you to get married and serve him along side a man of God but in the mean time serve him by yourself and with family and friends. Do what you can do for God right now where you are with what and who he has given you. Before I go I'll leave you with one more Pinterest picture...


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