
Showing posts from August, 2016

Submitting to Men Means...

I believe that God made men and women equal but with different roles and purposes. And I think that our world has strayed so far from this perfect design God had for men and women in the garden of Eden. I was thinking about this today as I did my laundry. I have another most addressing this issue in more depth titled Men Vs. Women . I am also very passionate about this subject so I wanted to tell you what I believe it does and doesn't mean (to me) when I chose to submit to men. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm weak. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm important. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm not valued. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm uneducated. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm incapable. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm oppressed. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm used. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm abused. When I submit to men it does not mean I'm forced to.