Down to my waist!

Today I am going to try to convince you to not do strapless dresses. I know, I know! You look good in them, they suit you. But please just hear me out before you say anything.
So I was in grade 8 (Or secondary 2) and I had this good friend, who shall remain nameless. She is Cuban, so you can imagine that she is quite a curvy girl. One day she arrived at school in a strapless dress and holding another (We went to a public school!). She wanted me to wear it for the day. After a bit of convincing I agreed. I went about my business as usual but I was continuously pulling up the dress and adjusting it. I survived French and Maths class, I think it was, and even lunch without any mishaps.

Then in third period just after lunch we had art class, my favourite! It was a very social class, so we were aloud to walk around and talk with people as we worked. So, towards the end of class I decided to go and talk to my friend Carl. Carl was like my brother, in fact at the beginning of the year many people thought we were siblings. We were just casually talking when a look of horror came over his face and all he said was "Um, Darcy." I looked down and my 'dress' was all the way down to my waist. I hadn't even notice that it had fallen. I quickly pulled it back up and we never talked about the incident again. As you can imagine as soon as class was over I rushed back to my locker to retrieve my jeans and T-shirt and I changed out of that silly little dress.
And that my friends is why I will never wear a strapless dress again. Learn from my lesson so you don't have to go through your own embarrassing mishap. You have been warned!


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