Women Vs. Men

Are men and women equal? Or are women under men because he man first? God created men and women equal! This is very important. He also created us with different roles. This is also very important. God created women for men, for us to submit to them. This does not mean the women are less than men or that we have no value. God calls men to respect and love women, especially their wives. There were many laws put in place in the old testament to ensure that women were taken care of by men.
God created us all equal. We each have different a job and purpose in life that is unique to our gender. One cannot go without the other as our roles complement each other. This is the way God designed it to be. God created women to be wives and mothers, to cook and clean and without that can you imagine what this world would be like? Now I am not saying that men are not allowed to cook or clean. In fact a husband that helps out around the house is always respected in my book. God created men to be the head of the household and to provide and protect his family. Can you imagine what the world would look like with out that? I am also not saying that women are not allowed to work. I understand that in our day and age unfortunately there are single parents who are forced to play the role of moth mother and father; cleaning, cooking and working.
Recap; God created men and women equal, but with very special and unique roles to play in this world. Women are not any less than men and men are not any higher than women. But as women God did create us to be submissive towards men. But that is a hole other blog post.


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