
My name is Darcy-Rea. I am 16 years old. I am Canadian Australian and I live in Cambodia. I have been living here for over a year now and I love it here. Where is Cambodia? It is sandwiched between Thailand and Vietnam with Laos to the north.
Why are we here? We came with a mission organisation called TransformAsia so parents could teach English to their boarders. But now we are with a different organisation called Bright Start (It's common to switch organisations after a while.)We have a learning centre at our house where my mother and I teach English to unprivileged children. But we do much more than that. My mother teaches the bible at a dental clinic. Both my parents teach English at a hospital to the staff. I work with another expat to make homemade paper to help raise money for the patients. My brother goes into the wards to play games with the patients and care givers. My father does evangelical work while giving out free sugar cane juice. And my mother, sister and I lead a girls bible study for 11 girls from an orphanage.

 Some of the Ezra Bright Start Learning Centre English students.

 Playing with the patients.

Carolling with the Sunbeam Sisters at the Hospital. 

Teaching English to the hospital staff.

A little bit more about myself? I am in grade 11 at the moment. I do distance education which means I do school at home but I join a class over the internet. It's fun. I enjoy a lot of things; Cooking, Photography, Crafts, Dancing, Writing, Reading, Teaching, Traveling, just to name a few. I love Children and teaching, so in November I will start towards getting my International TESOL Diploma so that I can officially teach English as a second language. I also have another blog called My Life By a Snapshot. There I talk about a lot of different things. I talk about being a missionary. I tell stories and sometimes I just rant about things.

Thank you coming! I hope you enjoy everything here on my blog and find it helpful and encouraging. Feel free to contact me at mylifebyasnapshot@gmail.com
See you around.


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