Romans 12

There is SO much to learn about modesty from Romans 12. Paul has a lot of wisdom to pass onto us. At first you may not see it all, but let me show you just as my big sister did this morning.  We will be mostly looking at the first two verses, but first, go read the chapter, then come back and we'll have a look at it together.
You're ready now? Okay let's go!

Firstly, there are many commands as to how we should act in this chapter and I'm sure you saw those. They are easy to find and understand. So we will do them first. I have found 17 in this chapter. They are all about our outwardly modesty, behaviour and character.
  1. Don't be worldly- v.2
  2. Be humble- v.3
  3. Be united- v.4
  4. Use your gifts- v.6-8
  5. Love others- v.10
  6. Don't Hate- v.10
  7. Don't be lazy- v.11
  8. Be hopeful- v.12
  9. Be patient- v.12
  10. Help others- v.13
  11. Be hospitable- v.13
  12. Don't seek revenge- v.14, 17-19
  13. Be kind to your enemies- v.14, 20-21
  14. Be empathetic- v.15
  15. Live in harmony- v.16
  16. Don't be proud- v.16
  17. Do good- v.21

Wow, that's a lot! I am sure there are more so if I missed any and you can spot them please tell me! But, how does this apply to the way we dress? We have to read into the text a little bit more for this bit. We have to interpret the text and apply it to the way we dress. That's the good stuff. Let's get into it now.
  • Firstly, in verse one we are told that our bodies are to "be a living and holy sacrifice". That means that we are to dedicate our bodies to Christ. Don't worry it is not as scary as it sounds. It is just a way of saying that we will serve and honour him with everything concerning our bodies; Dressing, dancing, moving, piercings and tattoos. We must be pure and acceptable to him! "This is truly the way to worship him."

  • Then in verse two we are commanded to not "copy the behaviour and customs of this world." We are not to live by the standards of this sinful world but by the standards that God has given us which are "good and pleasing and perfect." The 17 above are a few of them. See! They do serve a purpose and I showed them to you for a reason! The ten commandments, the fruit of the spirit and Jesus' words are also standards we are to do our best to live up to every day! This, obviously, includes the clothes we wear. This means that just because your friend, even if she is a Christian, is wearing a bikini or short shorts it doesn't mean that it is okay for you to do the same! As, you grow in Christ he will grow your conscience towards these things. 
Okay, let's recap quickly. In Romans chapter 12  Paul states many things that are characteristic of a Godly person that we are to strive towards. In the beginning of the chapter he tells us to "be a living and holy sacrifice" and not to "copy the behaviour and customs of this world." Both of these can be applied to the way we dress. God's desire for us to not be like the world but to strive to honour him in everything that we do.


  1. I love this, especially how simply you explained what it means to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice - "serve and honour Him with everything concerning our bodies". Thank you! :)


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