Why I Enjoy Dressing Modestly

Since I have started intentionally dressing modestly I have found that I really enjoy the way I am dressing now. I love it! Why? Let me explain...
Firstly, I have NO regrets anymore. I looked at a photo of myself from about two years ago. I was playing baseball. I was wearing a singlet/ tank top and shorts. I regret that choice now. And at that time I made many bad choices with my clothes. And at the time I knew  that there was a risk that I would get caught rolling up my shorts a few extra times or pulling my shirt down a little further. But I have no regrets with the way I dress now.
I no longer have to be so careful of my movements. I don't have to watch myself when I lean over or bend down because I know that what I am wearing covers me appropriately and there is little risk that my chest, too much of my legs or my stomach show. Now, wearing skirts I do have to be weary when I ride my bike or run to make sure that it does not ride up mu legs to go up with the wind.
I feel happy and comfortable in my clothes. Some of the clothes I used to wear were very uncomfortable. Also, as a young girl I always wore skirts and dress...ALL the time. I would even wear them to go camping. As I grew older I wanted to fit in and be like the 'popular' girls and migrated more towards pants and then shorts. So, returning to wearing skirts and dresses makes me feel very much at home.

And lastly, I have no guilt anymore. I used to feel very guilty when I changed into something else at school. I felt as if I was dishonouring my parents wishes. Whenever we read passages about modesty in the bible I tried to skip them or not cast another thought over them. I have no guilt now knowing that I am honouring God with what I wear.
Now I do still question what I wear. I want to be intentional with everything in my life. So asking myself "am I modestly covered?" or "Are there any risks with what I'm wearing?" or even "Why am I wearing this?" helps me to be intention in my clothing. I am still studying how to be modest in my dressing and it is something that very much interests me.
It has almost been a month since I started on this journey and I have already come a long way and I am excited for the future. Have a blessed day.

Did you know that in the 1600's cross dressing, a woman wearing pants, was punishable with death?


  1. Thank you for sharing very interesting ,my name is Esther Zambian by birth currently staying in south African,7 years ago i got converted to become a christian and that come with me learning how to dress modesty the road was not easy ,but today its a joy for me to dress modesty and i feel its really more comfortable for me,and i only have one motto for dressing up that's says (as long as am deceit and comfortable am go to go)

    1. Yes, I agree that the road isn't easy. But as women of God it's our road and God is there walking with us every step of the way! Thank you very much for sharing.

    2. Amen.God gave me a heart modesty when I was a little girl. Your story sounds a lot like mine. But thank God I got back.on track. Keep up the good work. It pays off in the end.we must be the light in this dark world. God bless

  2. Thank you for sharing very interesting ,my name is Esther Zambian by birth currently staying in south African,7 years ago i got converted to become a christian and that come with me learning how to dress modesty the road was not easy ,but today its a joy for me to dress modesty and i feel its really more comfortable for me,and i only have one motto for dressing up that's says (as long as am deceit and comfortable am go to go)


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