3 Ways to Respect Men

I have already talked about what our roles are as women vs. men. And as a part of that role we are to respect and submit to men wether they are your husband, boyfriend, father, brother, pastor or friend. Here are three simple ways you can do so;
  1. Firstly, listen to him! "What does this entail?" you may ask. You can start by giving him your full attention and eye contact. Refrain from interrupting him and try to understand and digest what he is saying and respond respectfully.
  2. Do things for him! This is a simple one. As I said in a previous post, our role as a woman is to serve and support your husband (Or other men). So, we can do this by doing things for him such as keeping your house/room tidy, cooking for him, do grocery shopping or help out around the house if your still young like me. You could even do things he enjoys with him every once in a while.
  3. And finally, be a respectable woman. That's right, the best way to respect men is to be respectable. If you have a quiet and gently spirit, if you are polite and kind towards other the men you associate with will also look respectful. Speak well of him around others and present yourself in a respectable way.

Recap; Three simple ways to respect all men... Listen to him, Do things for him and be a respectable woman. I hope these help you on your journey to modesty from the inside out.


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