What Modesty Means to Me...


So, I made a YouTube video. My first real YouTube video is up! How crazy is that?
I put it up today at about 1:00 my time after editing it for quite a while. I don't have the proper software and the quality isn't the best...Plus there is a giant watermark across it. Sorry about that! But I tried really hard and quite frankly, I think it turned our pretty well for my first video ever! I am proud of it and very happy to share it with you all.
So, What is the video even about? It is practically me vocalizing what it means to be modest and where modesty comes from. It is just a visual, I guess, of my second blog post titled 'Modesty Mission' and going a little deeper into my arguments. It's a very brief short video, but for now it's just perfect. I really hope you like it and if you do I would really appreciate it if you let me know by either subscribing, liking or commenting. Thank you very much!


  1. Godbless you Darcy,its really encouraging to see a young girl like you pursuing what is right,please keep it up,


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