Women That Inspire Me

There are many women in our lives that tell us all kinds of things. Some are good and some not so good. Today I will be sharing with you the women that inspired me to begin this mission to a biblical modesty and some of the things they have said or done that continue to help me on my journey.

April Cassidy is the woman who first got me thinking about wearing only skirts and dresses and not only on Sundays. She is a YouTuber, Blogger and Author. I have been emailing back and forth with her personally for a few days now discussing some issues. She is a Godly woman who desires to serve God through leading young women. Her blogs are The Peaceful Wife and The Peaceful Single Girl. All of which, including her YouTube channel, have been a great encouragement to me.

The Eck and Nickle women. We worship with two Mennonite families every Sunday and fellowship with them during the week. The women in these two families, Mrs. Barbra, Mrs. Tamara, Ashley and their teacher Miss Laurie-Anne have been a big inspiration to me. They are such godly women and wives and they are always serving others. They were also some of the people who first made me think about the way I was dressing and behaving. When we first we asked to join their worship time we asked them if they would like us to cover our heads and they said something that will stick with me forever...


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