How Are We Supposed To Act Around Boys?

As young Christian woman living in a sinful world there are expectations of how we are to act around males. They vary from age, gender, culture and religious beliefs. There is no rule book that tells us how we are to act around men and often we will be told different things be different people. There are only little things in the Bible such as that we are to respect and submit to men. We are to serve them and be their helpers. We have already discussed this in a past post (Men Vs. Women). But, there are many questions that are still left unanswered. "Can we talk to them?" "Hug or handshake?" "Can girls even be friends with guys?"
I was thinking about this the other day after a dinner with a team from the states and here was a guy my age. I was reflecting on my action, my words and I thought I had done pretty well considering I am a natural flirt (Not and good thing and not to be proud of!). But, then I thought "What am I supposed to be measuring myself against? How am I supposed to act?"
I thought about this for a good while and came up with nothing substantial. Over the years I had been told some little things like "Don't spend time alone with a boy." but nothing that would guide me through every situation. So, I tried to figure one out for myself and this is what I came up with;
When interacting with guys imagine your husband is in the room.
Think about it for a minute now. If your husband (Or future husband) was in the room would you give a handshake or a hug? How would you act if he was there? If he is a good Godly man you will want to respect him and be loyal to him. Therefore, you will act differently. I'm sure that if he was standing there I would be more likely to keep my mouth shut and my hands to myself. This is a rule that I have started living by and for me it works pretty well. You may tell me any tips you have on this subject in the comment section down bellow if you want to!


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